Thursday, February 12, 2009


Cul-ah'09 "Spell Bound" ended the month of January with style, fun and a world of imagination imagination. Junkcart, for instance was an event Environmental Science students (especially Green Shield members), were actively a part of.

Praapti, "our resource personelle cum coordinator" as well as Shreya, our Science Association secretary, along with a few other volunteers, went junk scouting the previous week. They managed to get hold of plastic bottles, shampoo bottles, old newspapers, old mementos, nonsense CDs, straws, twine, paper cartons and what not!
With a generous amount of junk at our disposal, each college team of 3 to 4, competed to come up with an innovative, functional or/and decorative accessory within a time frame of 2 hours.
The teams came up with out-of-the-world articles! The Trojan helmet cum drinking bottle cum eye wear, made by St.Joseph's Commerce students, zapped us with amusement!Their technical details and functionality caught the Judges- Noireeta and Rashmi attention. And yes, they certainly liked it, for they unanimously declared this team as winners!
( Team :in no particular order- Alster, Bhushan, Shreya, Smita)
(Judges: Rashmi and Noireeta)

The stationary cum mobile stand from St. Joseph's Arts and Science was extremely innovative and commendable, and won second prize!

The Ramaiah college of Arts and Science grabbed third prize for a creative ensemble- a jewellary stand and a fancy folder.
The effort put into making these articles and advertising them left us "Spell Bound!"
We hope to see our participants for our upcoming events ! :) Congrats you guys! Cheers!

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